Focus on Qatar

This white paper examines the integration of AI within Qatar’s workforce, demonstrating its significant impact on industry, government operations, and education. It is essential to understand how AI alters job execution and necessitates a recalibration of skills, policy, and strategic direction to build a resilient, future-ready workforce. The evolution of Qatar’s strategy is not an isolated development but part of a broader global trend towards digital transformation. This is exemplified by the National AI Strategy, launched by the Artificial Intelligence Committee working under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. This initiative underscores the country’s commitment to harnessing AI for national development.

Nayef Al-Ibrahim
CEO and Co-Founder

“The strategic implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) is driving transformation across economic and societal spheres.”


In your opinion, what measures should organizations take to ensure a smooth transition to an AI-integrated workforce?

Overview: Web Summit Qatar 2024

Between February 26th and 29th, 2024, Qatar marked a significant milestone in its journey to becoming a preeminent technology hub in the MENA region — hosting Web Summit Qatar 2024. This event underscored the country’s commitment to advancing its technological framework, drawing over 15,000 attendees from 118 countries.

The summit served as a platform for unveiling innovations, addressing challenges, and strategizing on the future of digital transformation and artificial intelligence. The event substantially influenced Qatar’s technological environment in two main ways:

Do you believe AI will create more job opportunities than it displaces in the future?

Fostering International Collaborations

Web Summit Qatar was instrumental in establishing partnerships between Qatari tech enterprises and global industry leaders, facilitating the introduction of international best practices and innovations into the local market. Notably, the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) added over 200 companies from 50 countries to its Startup Qatar initiative during the event.



Showcasing Local Innovations

The event helped attract significant investment and heightened global interest in Qatar’s burgeoning tech sector by providing a stage for domestic startups and innovators. 20% of the startups participating at the summit were registered with QFC, highlighting the local sector’s dynamic growth and potential.

How do you think AI will impact the demand for specific skills in the job market?

Key Insights From The Panel

“We know“The introduction of AI is extremely timely, serving as a solution to numerous current challenges. The key to effectively integrating AI and addressing these challenges lies in a straightforward formula — multiplying three elements: vision, transformation capacity, and skills.”

Frederick Van Gysegem, Partner, Ronald Berger

“We know that the market is evolving fast and that demand is even growing faster alongside it. The current issue we are facing is to predict that market demand. There are a lot of skills needed — what we need to do is to train everybody so that we have a flexible and adaptable workforce.”

Muneera Al-Shariem, Project Management Director, Ministry of Labour

“(The landscape) is changing from static to dynamic, both in learning and working.
Ideally, we will all adapt our approach — from generalised to personalised.
I think the big opportunity of AI is that it will close the gap in terms of adoption
because we will have a more personalised approach.”

Thierry Lescrauwaet, Entrepreneur & Co-Founder, UQ, Zaia, iVisual

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Innovation-Driven Growth:


As a committed driver of sustainable growth and an initiator of innovative transformations, Ibtechar hosted a roundtable titled, “Innovation-Driven Growth: A Deep-Dive into Corporate Innovation Frameworks.” This collaborative discussion welcomed leaders from Vidscola, Applab, and Hamad International Airport (HIA), providing a platform to delve into systematic and strategic innovation within corporate frameworks, sharing crucial insights, common practices, and collective wisdom.


Innovation is the cornerstone of sustained growth and competitiveness for both emerging and well-established businesses. It is the driving force that enables corporate leaders to not only survive but thrive in an ever-changing marketplace.

Innovation is a strategic imperative that is amplified with the ability to identify opportunities for improvement, devise creative solutions, and successfully implement them. Whether a company is a startup such as Applab looking to disrupt existing markets or a longstanding airport such as HIA seeking to maintain its leadership position, the ability to innovate is fundamental.

We will uncover the strategies, frameworks, and insights that empowered Applab, Vidscola and HIA to harness innovation as a driving force, paving the way for sustainable success in an increasingly competitive and disruptive business landscape.

We will explore how innovation transcended mere product development; and included every facet of these organizations, from processes and business models to customer engagement and employee culture.


HIAHamad International Airport

How does HIA integrate its innovation frameworks into operational strategies to
boost growth and enrich passenger experience?

Managing the challenges of overseeing innovation within large entities like HIA includes carefully channeling countless ideas generated within various teams, harnessing the passion and vitality of these teams to design innovative solutions that are precisely tailored to meet and enhance customers’ needs and experiences.

Navigating Innovation: A Deep Dive into HIA’s Approach HIA stands out for its innovative approach, combining internal strategies and collaborative efforts, aiming to optimize existing technologies and methodologies through actionable change. HIA’s innovation philosophy is not only about inventing something new but in recognizing that existing technologies and methodologies can be improved and applied more broadly.

HIA’s Strategic Innovation Framework, Identifies Five Key Enablers:

Rather than seeking external consultation, HIA leverages the ideas and commitment of its own team, with a sharp focus on enhancing the passenger experience and giving precedence to service improvements. HIA’s Strategic Innovation Framework identifies five key enablers, which involve not only
implementing new strategies but also adopting a Fail-Fast Approach and crowdsourcing idea

  1. Supportive Culture and Strategy: Incorporating a strategic perspective that positions innovation at the pinnacle of organizational practice, by introducing programs like Employee Wellness to bolster team morale.
  1. Engagement with All Stakeholders: Promoting exhaustive and inclusive interaction with all entities involved, ensuring that employees are both heard and valued through platforms such as Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).
  1. Structured and Efficient Processes: Safeguarding the innovation journey through smooth, non-redundant, and efficient processes, backed by Quality Management Systems to ensure peak service delivery.
  1. Technological Advancements: Utilizing technology as a starting point to facilitate and enhance innovative ventures and implementing emerging technologies like IoT and AI to grow operational efficiency.
  1. Continuous Insights and Introspection: Committing to a self-reflective approach, which ensures that opportunities for improvement are persistently explored to prevent stagnation and complacency.

Addressing Challenges and Implementing Solutions:

Despite numerous awards and acclaims, HIA remains vigilant against complacency, as it continuously thrives towards innovation and improvement. Operational challenges arise with on-ground teams often being busy with daily tasks, which leads to a diminished focus on innovation. Moreover, a prevalent fear of change and potential failure, coupled with delays in decision-making, may pose substantial barriers to implementing swift solutions.

To address these challenges, HIA intends to adopt:

Unwavering Commitment to Innovation: A stern resolution to continually innovate, unaffected by preceding awards, including adopting new initiatives like Innovation Labs.

Allocating Time for Ideation: Establishing dedicated timeslots for employees to detach from routine tasks and brainstorm improvements.

Safe Space for Ideas: Cultivating an environment where idea-sharing is free from the dread of failure, thereby fostering a culture where risks in innovation are encouraged and celebrated.

Importance of Customer Feedback: Maintaining a constant focus on passenger feedback and satisfaction, utilizing comprehensive customer feedback systems to continually refine and enhance their experiences.

The integration of a clear innovation strategy, stakeholder engagement, and a continual commitment to improvement is the guiding principle that drives both passenger experience and operational excellence and guarantees HIA remains an airline industry leader.


How does Applab navigate the challenges of rapid organizational growth while maintaining a committed focus on innovative strategies and adaptability within the Qatari corporate framework?

Based in Doha, Qatar, Applab, positions itself as a leading entity in software data, and cloud engineering solutions enabling smart city applications and digital transformation – it was awarded the Service Provider of the Year, Qatar Digital Business award in 2021. Its deep-rooted understanding of the local landscape gives Applab an advantage and provides a keen perspective into steering corporate strategies within day-to-day operations, especially when combined with its firm commitment to innovation.

Key Takeaways on Innovation:

Innovation includes the clever adoption of existing technologies to creatively solve problems.

Addressing internal challenges, like those encountered during its expansion from 10 to 250 employees, required innovative management strategies, as illustrated by the launch of the “Applab 2.0″ initiative. This program represents a forward-thinking strategy to channel ideas from all teams, ensuring Applab consistently leads in Hi-Tech industry solutions and innovations.

The sustainability in its approach is further reflected by Applab’s commitment to knowledge transfer and training. Preparing clients like Qatar Foundation with the skills and efficiency-enhancing solutions that are sustainable and forward-looking, underlines how internally developed innovative strategies can be translated into effective, long-term, client-oriented solutions.

Applab‘s broader service expansion, beyond just software to infrastructure and data, signifies an adaptability to technological and industry evolution. Eng. Al Hassan Al Sammarraie, Applab’s Founding Managing Partner, remarks,Applab‘s journey has been one of resilience, innovation, and foresight. As we look to the future, we’re driven by our commitment to push boundaries and set new benchmarks in software, data, and cloud engineering.” 

Adapting to Technological Changes and Client Solutions:

Confronted with the challenges posed by rapid scaling, especially those related to maintaining a consistent innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, Applab stresses the importance of balancing skill acquisition and strategic innovation. This illustrates the importance of perpetually advancing and adapting to stay competitive and relevant in an ever-changing marketplace.

Navigating Rapid Growth and Industry Relevance:

Continuous innovation and adaptation are vital to avoid becoming obsolete in a competitive landscape. Strategic partnerships, like Applab’s collaboration with Microsoft, enabled early access to new technologies, boosting innovative client-centric solutions.

By incorporating innovative strategies and a forward-looking approach to technological advancements and partnerships, Applab offers a clear blueprint, emphasizing its dedication to addressing both rapid organizational growth and industry transformation.


How can organizations ensure that their agile methodologies are truly driving innovation rather than just following established practices?

Recognized by leading agile institutions and backed by a diverse team of experts, Vidscola stands as a prominent figure in agile transformations within the Middle East. As numerous companies embark on their agile journey, integrating this approach with true innovation proves challenging, often hindered by entrenched traditional processes.

The corporate landscape is riddled with challenges that demand innovative approaches for solutions. Integrating innovation into the fabric of a business, as emphasized by Vidscola‘s CEO, Mohammed Ghanem, can be the differentiator that sets a company apart in the market. CEO’s Insight: “More than ideation, enterprise innovation means weaving inventive thinking into the DNA of your products and services’ delivery process.”

Challenges and Solutions in Corporate Innovation:

To push forward in today’s competitive market, organizations must overcome various challenges. Vidscola highlights some of these obstacles, especially the reluctance to change within organizations and the difficulties in sustaining growth and innovation momentum.

Organizational Reluctance to Change:

Fear of the unknown: Employees often resist change because they’re unsure of what lies ahead.

Perceived risks: Change can be seen as a potential threat to job security or established workflows.

Lack of understanding: Without clear communication, employees might not understand the reasons or benefits behind a change initiative.

Vidscola’s Solutions:

  1. Effective change management practices: Implementing structured methods to facilitate transitions ensures smoother adaptations.
  2. Building organizational buy-in: Garnering support from all levels of the organization ensures a collective effort towards change.
  3. Involving teams in design and planning: Giving teams a voice in the process fosters ownership and commitment.
  4. Comprehensive training: By equipping employees with the necessary skills, they become confident in navigating new systems or methods.
  5. Emphasizing change’s value: Highlighting the benefits and long-term gains of change motivates teams to adapt.
  6. Creating a receptive environment for feedback: Allowing open channels for concerns ensures employees feel heard, fostering a supportive change environment.

Strategies for Sustainable Growth: Embracing Agile and Continuous Innovation  

  • Aligning innovation with the business’s value propositions: Ensuring that new ideas directly complement and enhance the company’s core offerings boosts relevance and impact.
  • Ongoing innovation rather than isolated events: Promoting a culture where innovation is a continuous journey ensures sustained growth and relevance.
  • Agile Delivery & Consultation: Incorporating agile principles means valuing and acting on feedback, being ready to pivot when needed, and ensuring the customer remains central to the development process.
  • Customer-Centricity: Active involvement and transparency with clients throughout the project lifecycle fosters trust and ensures alignment with client needs.
  • Adapting to Business Needs: Leveraging agile methodologies allows businesses to swiftly adjust their strategies in response to market shifts or internal changes.
  • Mindset Evolution: The modern business landscape requires shedding some traditional views in favor of more adaptive, forward-looking perspectives.
  • Knowledge Transfer Importance: By consistently updating and educating teams about the latest technologies and best practices, businesses ensure they remain at the forefront of their industry.

How is Vidscola Pioneering Corporate Innovation and Agile Integration in the Middle East?

Vidscola champions the establishment of a dedicated Innovation Hub, streamlining the innovation process and centralizing its oversight, as the agility of responding to market signals, such as emerging startups or shifting customer behaviors, is vital. The true essence of innovation and agile synergy is perceived as a complete cycle, starting with understanding the customer and ending with agile development.

Ultimately, Vidscola emphasizes the critical balance between agility—for adaptability—and a strong innovation foundation to ensure organizations, particularly in regions like the Middle East, integrate innovation with agile methodologies to stay relevant and at the forefront of industry developments.

Concluding Thoughts: 

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and shifting market dynamics, the importance of corporate innovation cannot be overstated. Organizations in Qatar and the Middle East must integrate agile innovation into their core strategies. This proactive approach is crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage, ensuring longevity and sustained growth in an ever-changing global market. Eng. Nayef Al Ibrahim, CEO and Co-founder of Ibtechar, insightfully concluded: “As we look to the future, embracing corporate innovation is not just a choice but a necessity. Ibtechar, with its pioneering initiatives and a solid foundation in steering corporate innovation in Qatar, is the perfect partner to assist businesses on their transformative journey.” 

A pivotal question: In your organization’s pursuit of innovation, how are you preparing to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future?



Innovation-Driven Growth: A Deep-Dive into Corporate Innovation Frameworks” explores the exciting world of business innovation in Qatar and the wider Middle East. We take a close look at how top-tier companies like HIA, Applab, and Vidscola are redefining the traditional business model, embedding innovation and agile practices into their everyday work. Their stories reveal not just a dedication to continuous improvement and growth, but also a dedication to shaping a future where businesses are flexible, resilient, and ever evolving.In a world that is constantly changing, the experiences of such entities present a compelling case for why and how businesses should incorporate innovation into their strategic plans. 

It’s a relatable, straightforward guide into navigating the current innovative practices, ensuring businesses not only survive but thrive in this modern market landscape.

In this whitepaper, we invite you to reimagine the depths of adopting innovation not only in times of crisis but as a driver for growth.

Read how key players in Qatar’s ecosystem have embraced innovation within procurement frameworks to lead to the outcomes mentioned in the following section.


In today’s global landscape, the only constant is change. Government entities and companies are facing uncertainty and pressure at an unprecedented and fast-paced rate. From rising costs to rapidly evolving market dynamics, there is an increasing need to gear up and adopt the right tools and procurement frameworks to effectively manage expenses, optimize cash positions, and navigate disruptions. 

When faced with uncertainty and challenges, the need for innovation becomes not only paramount but the new norm. Rethinking every aspect of the procurement function becomes key to proactively leading the way through uncertainty and out of any crisis. 

Qatar found itself navigating a unique and complex situation as it dealt with the impact of the pandemic and blockade. However, these two factors acted as catalysts that propelled all stakeholders to innovate for the future, emerging stronger and more resilient by embracing innovation.

This whitepaper looks at the approaches adopted along with key outcomes and learnings.


As an innovation partner committed to driving sustainable growth and facilitating successful transformations, Ibtechar held a roundtable on the topic: ‘Leveraging Procurement Frameworks for Innovation.’ Leaders from Qatar Research Development and Innovation Council, Amazon Web Services, Hassad Food, and many others all contributed to shed light on industry best practices and the crucial role of adapting progressive procurement processes to foster innovation in the ecosystem.

Before understanding how key parties adopted procurement innovation, it is important to look at and challenge the history of the procurement process. The way procurement worked in the past no longer works today. 

Think of the Pyramids in Egypt, where materials were sourced to fulfill this monumental project’s requirements. This required a lot of control. Following that, procurement gradually became a strategic function during the Renaissance era, supporting nations during conquest. Then, with the industrial revolution came the emphasis on mass production and the role of procurement in optimizing efficiency. Finally, by the 20th century, particularly with digital technology and telecommunications, procurement became more rigid within organizations.


Ibtechar: The Case of Innovation

As the state of Qatar moves towards sustainable growth, it has successfully invested in world-class infrastructure over the past two decades. The focus has now shifted towards embracing innovative solutions and services to further propel the nation forward.

The country recognizes that sustained progress lies not only in physical infrastructure but also in harnessing the power of disruptive technologies, groundbreaking ideas, and collaborative partnerships. Businesses are now taking note of this shift and have started to act.

An organization in Qatar sought to leverage innovation and keep up with the time through a classical procurement process and launched a call for tenders from the market. The organization embarked on a project to shift from labor-intensive facade cleaning to robotics. The procurement process commenced with a tendering format, accompanied by clarification sessions between the client and vendors. Challenges arose as the scope was discussed. As the process continued, timelines were further extended, resulting in a one-year delay in experimenting with innovation. This has an adverse impact on the organization and, ultimately, the nation’s growth and innovation potential.

One has to ask, does a rigid tendering process like this serve innovation? Clearly, the answer is no. In this example, the procurement process was demanding certainty; however, the problem needs a solution that has not yet been tried out. Therefore, all bidders were not able to fulfill the tender requirements.

With an apparent misalignment between procurement’s-controlled expectations and innovation’s uncertain nature, the question remains: “How can traditional procurement principles unleash innovation amidst unconventional ideas?”

Ibtechar firmly believes that businesses must push boundaries and challenge the status quo when it comes to the tools and vehicles utilized in procurement. Instead of engaging in repetitive procurement discussions, there is a need to shift focus towards establishing an agile and progressive procurement processes. Collaboration becomes pivotal as businesses strive to work together. By embracing this approach, the ecosystem will enable innovation and drive meaningful progress.

QRDI: Research-Driven Partnerships are Key

Qatar Research Development and Innovation Center (QRDI) conducted a comprehensive analysis of corporates worldwide to identify best practices in adopting innovation. This benchmarking process considers regional and global perspectives, realizing that corporate innovation typically falls into one of three models: build, partner, or acquire.

The partner model closely aligns with the practices and nature of doing business locally. Collaboration with external partners, such as startups, universities, and research institutions, expands reach and provides access to a global pool of innovators. Businesses can tap into diverse expertise, co-create solutions, and accelerate innovation by forging strategic partnerships.

The Open Innovation Initiative by QRDI represents an alternative approach to traditional procurement by building such partnerships. This is done by identifying unique challenges, opening facilities for piloting new technologies, and creating mechanisms for co-development.

The main objective of implementing open innovation across large local enterprises is to establish a fair and transparent way of working with innovators without being bound by the rigid procurement process.

Innovation requires strong leadership support, buy-in, and champions within organizations to succeed. A successful example of partnership and leadership buy-in is evident in the collaboration with Hassad.

Hassad: A Proactive Business and People Management Approach in the Face of Crisis

Hassad, the investment authority company focused on food security in Qatar, has made significant strides in the past five years; responding to challenges posed by the blockade has propelled them to drive transformative changes in the industry. They are a great case study, and their innovative reaction to uncertainty and the circumstances they faced could present great learnings to other businesses facing uncertainty.

In the face of the blockade, Hassad swiftly adapted to ensure a continuous supply of essential commodities. Challenging the notion that “this is not possible” Hassad understood that a traditional procurement process poses certain challenges. They took a proactive business and people management approach and uncovered innovative solutions to complex problems.

Hassad reengineered their procurement process, and strategically expanded local production capabilities by minimizing approval gates and built a strategy based on data, insights and lean operations. By eliminating redundant steps and reducing irrelevant requirements, significant improvements were achieved. These efforts resulted in a remarkable reduction of the procurement process time by an impressive 30 – 35% and increased production capacity by 30% in the poultry sector while significantly increasing vegetable production.

Additionally, another notable progressive practice implemented by Hassad is the adoption of the Open Innovation Program. This program provided Hassad with a safe and conducive environment to explore and test innovative ideas that may not be suitable within a traditional procurement process.

Hassad’s journey demonstrates the need for continuous reevaluation, agility, and adopting a proactive business approach. This involves changing perspectives, learning, partnering with experts, and taking action.

AWS: Adopting Digital Technology in the Procurement Process Is Key

Digital transformation has been instrumental in Governments, enabling a more efficient and innovative approach. AWS’ application of digital technology with some GCC governments provides a compelling case for the power of their technology. AWS Marketplace, known for its seamless user experience, has inspired a shift towards leveraging advanced technological solutions in the industry.

By leveraging AWS Marketplace and similar centralized platforms, businesses can revolutionize their procurement processes by adopting innovative procurement tools. These platforms offer a centralized approach that has allowed for reduced procurement risks.

Businesses can evaluate software offerings and engage in trials before making a purchase, minimizing the risk of investing in software that may not meet their requirements, ultimately optimizing spending and maximizing the use of funds.

Implementing electronic platforms and centralized marketplaces, exemplified by AWS Marketplace, has provided organizations with faster purchasing processes and diverse software options, unleashing procurement’s full potential through technology-driven solutions.

The Way Forward: Re-Imagining the Procurement Process

This white paper explored the importance of leveraging procurement processes to foster organizational innovation. Embracing innovation is a critical driver of success. Looking at Hassad’s case study and the views from industry leaders, it is evident that in order to adopt progressive procurement processes, a number of actions need to be taken.

1- Reimagine the Procurement process:
There is a need to adopt a holistic approach that looks at eliminating redundant steps within the procurement process that may include unnecessary requirements, reducing approval gateways while increasing data entry to make informed decisions.

2- Adopting Open Innovation as a vehicle:
Harnessing the power of Open Innovation and leveraging government support, allows businesses to tap into a wider pool of innovative ideas and solutions from external sources.
By embracing open innovation, businesses can benefit from the expertise and creativity of external partners, fostering collaboration and driving forward-thinking procurement practices.

3- Consider AWS marketplace for software solutions:
Businesses can leverage AWS Marketplace as a valuable resource for software solutions, gaining access to a diverse range of innovative applications from trusted vendors, streamlining the procurement process. Additionally, adopting technology and a digital approach enhances competition, and ensures fair and equal opportunities for suppliers.

Leveraging procurement frameworks to foster innovation is a strategic imperative and a pathway to sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

The critical question is this: How can we drive practical innovation every day without waiting for a crisis to push us to transform?

First Assistive
Technology Hub

Innovation Development

Discover more

Mada Center

Ibtechar designs the first assistive technology hub that enables persons with special needs access to technology and innovation.


Project Overview

The Challenge 

Design, produce and launch the first assistive technology hub in Qatar and the region during Covid lockdown.


Since it was launched in January 2022, MADA Fablab has given access to technology and innovation to hundreds of persons with special needs.

The Outcome

Successfully implemented numerous community and technology-based programs specifically tailored for persons with functional limitations (PFLs) and persons with disabilities (PWDs).


Mada the world’s Center of Excellence in digital access, founded to promote digital inclusion and create a technology-based community to cater for the needs of persons with functional limitations (PFLs) and persons with disabilities (PWDs) commissioned Ibtechar, Qatar’s leading practical innovation solutions provider, and an active contributor to Qatar’s journey towards a knowledge-based economy, to develop MADA Fablab, the first assistive technology hub in Qatar and the region.


Ibtechar was selected for MADA Fablab because of its expertise and knowledge in innovation, management and design. This hub is an innovative space that promotes the development of cutting-edge technologies and innovation programs for PWDs and PFLs. By empowering persons with disabilities and providing them with opportunities to participate in innovation, this assistive technology hub is helping to create a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

Ibtechar’s commitment to solving problems with innovative, practical, and technology-advanced solutions was a key factor in the success of the MADA Fablab project. 

“At Ibtechar, our mission is to solve your perceived problem with the most innovative, practical, and technologically-advanced solution – guaranteeing your end-user has an unforgettable experience.”

– Nayef Al-Ibrahim – CEO and Co-Founder of Ibtechar

This dedication to providing an exceptional user experience, combined with its expertise in design and innovation, ensured that MADA Fablab was tailored to the needs of PFLs and PWDs , promoting accessibility and inclusivity.

The MADA Fablab project was also driven by a deep commitment to inspiring people with special needs.

“We imagined Fablab as a one-stop hub that provides a range of assistive technology resources and services to persons with disabilities, empowering each person to envision a life filled with innovative and creative ideas. We provide information, technical support, and  access to the latest technologies, helping promote independence and improving overall quality of life.”

– Ms. Maha Al Mansouri – CEO of Mada Center

This commitment to investing in persons with disabilities and providing them with the technology and support they need to thrive was a driving force behind the project and was critical to its success.



Through thorough research, ideation, prototyping, testing, and iteration, Ibtechar developed the user experience and MADA Fablab design, incorporating elements that facilitated accessibility, functionality, and aesthetics, all while providing an enjoyable user experience. 

The use of environmentally friendly materials, locally sourced, taking into account the environmental, social, and economical impact of the project on the local Qatari economy was vital. Ibtechar was committed to delivering a socially responsible, economically viable, and environmentally conscious project. 

The optimization of the supply chain via sound procurement policies required to tackle COVID-19 restrictions was essential in ensuring  the project was completed on time. By streamlining the supply chain, and partnering with Qatari companies, Ibtechar was able to overcome the logistical challenges posed by the pandemic and deliver a quality project.

The recruitment of the right talent to commission and operate Mada FabLab for 18 months was fundamental in ensuring the assistive technology hub’s success. Ibtechar sourced the best talent, making sure the hub’s operations were efficient and effective. The certification of the space by the Fab Foundation to meet global standards was the final step in guaranteeing the hub met the highest standards of quality and safety.


The Mada Fablab project was highly successful in creating innovative solutions that positively impacted the lives of PFLs and PWDs. The participants leveraged advanced technologies such as 3D printing, laser cutting, and electronic workbenches to develop approximately 22 projects. Notable projects included the ‘Talking Tesbeeh’, ‘Smart Grabber’, ‘One Finger Pen’, ‘E-tran’ Board, ‘Adaptive Cutlery Holding Device’, and ‘Dyslexia Reading Bar’.

In addition to developing innovative solutions, Mada Fablab team organized and facilitated 12 workshops since January 2022, providing comprehensive training sessions focused on 3D printing, designing, and electronics workbench. 

Currently, the project has eight committed members who are dedicated to creating meaningful solutions that positively impact the lives of people with similar disabilities. 

This partnership is a successful example of how public-private interests can promote economic growth and inclusivity in society. Fablab is a testament to the power of innovation and MADA share commitment to creating meaningful change in the community.

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